Hemal Jadawala ભૂલો ભલે બીજું બધું ગર્લફ્રેન્ડ ને ભૂલશો નહી ,
અગણિત છે નુકસાન એના એ કદીયે વિસરસો નહી ,
મિસકોલ કરી હેરાન કરે ,.રોજ કહે ચાલો ફરવા ,
એવા મિસકોલ ના ફોન કરશો નહી .
પૈસા ખર્ચતા બધું મળશે પણ આવી બલા ક્યાય મળશે નહિ …
ભૂલો ભલે બીજું બધું ગર્લફ્રેન્ડ ને ભૂલશો નહિ ............
Laura Boitano lavenderlaura is no longer... I finally got a new e-mail.. Ian O'Brien.
Encho Vinícius Chagas O Tanure faz tipão de mal, mas na verdade ele é muito FOFO!
Naseer Younis Mughal Keh do Gham-e-Husain Manany walon ko,
Momin Kabhi Shohada ka Matam nahi karty,
Hai Ishq Apni jan se ziyada Aal-e- Rasool se,
Yun Sar-e-Aam Ham Unka Tamasha nahi karty,
Roein wo jo munkir hain Shahadat-e- HUSSAIN ke,
Ham Zinda-e- Javaid ka matam nahi karty
Keith Clark Epistle from Pastor Steve
Most of you get these e-mails from Steve but for those that do not I invite you to our Christmas Eve services. I'm reposting Steve's note just to be sure you all have it.
Dear Friends,
Greetings in Christ in this wonderful Advent season. Tomorrow is the first of December, so I wanted to take a little time to lift up to you some of the special ways we will be celebrating together as a church as we approach Christmas. But first, I just want to remind us what an important time of year this is for two reasons. First, for those of us who are blessed to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, this is a holy season. It is a time for spiritual growth, a season to be renewed in our faith, and a time to draw even closer to God. In the midst of all the other business of the season, let’s stay focused on Christ, the one whose birth we celebrate.
Secondly, this is also one of the most important times of year for invitation. Christmas is a time when many of your unchurched friends and neighbors are seeking spiritually and are open to an invitation. We will have a number of opportunities over the coming month to invite someone to experience the true meaning of Christmas. If every one of us takes advantage of these opportunities, we could reach many, many people with the good news of Christ in the coming weeks.
Speaking of invitation, our Christmas Cantata “We Have Our Savior” will be performed several times on Sunday December 18th. We will do a morning performance at St. Matts as a part of a special Sunday morning worship. Then there will be two more performances in the afternoon at 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at the Rock. This is going to be an awesome concert that you will not want to miss. We will have invitational resources available for you this Sunday to help you reach out to others.
I also want to share with you about our Christmas weekend schedule. Last year, with two services on Christmas Eve, we were beyond capacity. So this year we will be offering 4 services on three campuses. The schedule will be as follows: St. Matts 4:00 p.m., Rock 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., Amesbury 7:00 p.m. With all these choices, we certainly hope there is one that will work well for you and your family, and for those you want to invite.
I don’t know if you noticed, but Christmas Eve comes on a Saturday this year. In some ways, that is awesome, but it does present us with one significant challenge; volunteers. On a typical Sunday morning, between our three campuses, it takes roughly 60 volunteers to fully staff worship. Each week, at each location we have ushers, greeters, welcome desk, nursery workers, coffee makers, musicians/praise team, computer tech, video tech, sound tech, set up and breakdown (Amesbury), custodian, and a few others I’m sure I’ve forgotten. And of course, that does not include another 50 in the choir.
Because we want our volunteers and staff to be able to have both worship time and family time on Christmas, we have decided to have Christmas Eve be our primary worship time for Christmas weekend, giving the majority of our staff and volunteers Christmas morning off. So there will be no Christmas Day services at St. Matts or the Rock. There will be a Christmas morning service at Amesbury at 10:00 a.m. in their original building (not at the Sparhawk school). For those who wish to attend worship on Christmas morning, this will be a great opportunity for us to support our new campus is Amesbury!
One other thing I want to lift up. On Saturday, Dec. 10, Nicole and I will host an open house at our home. This will be a time in the middle of this busy season to just relax and enjoy some great fellowship. Join us any time after 7:00 p.m. Feel free to bring something to share if you would like.
Sunday we will continue our new teaching series entitled “The Journey”. This week we will be looking at Joseph and the city of Bethlehem. I look forward to seeing you this weekend.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve
Joyce Antunes ” Lembrar é fácil pra quem tem memória, esquecer é difícil pra que tem coração.”
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Panteley Rafailov Който е тръгнал с агресия към Рашка, бял ден не е видял. Наполеон, Гитлера, всички те паднаха в ковчезите барабар с империйките си.
Сега е ред на Чифутия! Чифутия сама ще се подхлъзне в ковчега даже без война! 15 трилионна пробойна се отвори в черупката й, паричките свършват и много скоро всичкото емигрантска измет ще се разбяга по родните си селца.
Негрите ще получават соц. помощи в размерите на 1 банан дневно, а отрепките като Гроблина и Канадката (която в момента нанка заради часовата разлика ) ще учат китайски в училище и ще ходят на бригади като оризоберачи по долините на величествените реки Хуанхъ и Яндзъ!
Sara Mehreen Lafz tooty Lab-E-Izhar tak aty aty
Mar gye Hum Tere meyar tak aty aty
Hum samajty thy k kuch waqt lagy ga shayd
Ik inkar ko iqrar tak aty aty
Hath rakhna para seeny pe hmy b akhir
Dil kahan rhta hy dil'dar tak aty aty
Aik lamhy ki musaft b bari hoti hai
Hum ko to umar lagi yar tak aty aty...
Gheorghiu Andreia Multumesc tuturor pentru urari!E o demonstratie ca am prieteni.Sunteti minunati!
Mohamed Abou Taleb
ؤCairokee featuring Aida El Ayoubi
Shahid Ali Dasht-e-Ghurbat Main Muflison Ka Lahoo Aam Bikta hy, Kisi Ka Jism Bikta hy Kisi Ka Naam Bikta hy..! Duniya dy Gi Kya TumKo Or Tum Lo gy Kya Is Se, Aaa mera Daaman Thaam, K Maikhane Main Jaam Bikta hy.. Hirs K Bazaaron Mein 'Hawwa' Ki Beti Ka Aanchal, Pehle Subh Ko Bikta tha Magr Ab Har Shaam Bikta hy...!! Ameer-e-Shehr K Mehlaat Ki Baat B Khoob hy 'SAGAR', Magr Faqeer-e-Shehr Ki Goad Main Ab Aaram Bikta Hy...!!
Amanda Silva Lembrei oq me irrita essa epoca do ano....e o frio! pelo amor de deus me tira daki!
Doan Yen Nhi ngủ ngoan nhé tình yêu của e ( trích cơn gió lạ )..
Abdullakutty Ph ദൈവത്തിന്റെ സ്വൊന്തം നാട് അത് കേരളമാണെന്ന് കുറെ ചെകുത്താന്മാര് പറയുന്നു.അവിടെ ആയിര കണകിന്നു മന്ത്രി മാരും എം എല് എ മാരും, എം. പി . മാരും ഒക്കെയുന്ടെന്നു പറയുന്നു ,പക്ഷെ മുല്ല പെരിയാര് പ്രശനത്തില് ശക്തമായ ഇടപെടല് നടത്താനോ 35 ലെക്ഷം ജെനങ്ങളെ രക്ഷിക്കാനോ ആരെയും കാണാനില്ല ഇനി സ്വന്തം നാടും ജെനങ്ങളെയും ദൈവം തമ്പുരാന് തന്നെ വരട്ടെ ..അങ്ങേരും കൈ ഒഴിഞ്ഞാല് ???????////////////////////??????????????????????/
Mehak Khan youn hium ko satany ki zarorat kia thi
dil mera toor k jany ki zarorat kia thi
jo nahi tha ishq to keh diya hota
humein youn aazmaney ki zarorat kia thi
maloom tha gehray khuwab toot jayn gay
neend mein a kar jagany ki zaroorat kia thi
maan loon ager ye yak tarfa mohaabat thi
mujhe dekh kr pher muskarany ki zaroorat kia thi
jo hum na thy tumhary qabil-e- nazer
tu muj ko mohabat sikha kr thoker laganey ki zaroorat kia thi
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Ncediwe Mangisa Kungemandi e grace land last weekend
Αγγελος Αλεξανδρακης ΚΡΙΟΣ (21/3 - 19/4)
Πάντα ήσουν το παιδί του «Ότι θέλω το θέλω γρήγορα, δηλαδή χθες!». Μερικά πράγματα όμως ρε πουλάκι μου δεν αναμιγνύονται χωρίς να εκραγούν. Είναι αφάνταστα δύσκολα ένας/μια σύντροφος να είναι και φίλος/η αλλά και εραστής/ερωμένη με την ίδια ένταση. Και κάπου εδώ ξεκινάει η κουβέντα για το ότι δεν σ’ αρέσουν τα εύκολα και μπλα, μπλα, μπλα… Πω, πω μπλέξιμο.
Ashique Uki Ladies & gentlemen আমার মতো শিক্ষিত-মূর্খ আজ কয়েকটি বিষয়ে চরম শিক্ষা হয়েছে :
১. সুখ-দুঃখ সবই এ পৃথিবীতে ক্ষণস্থায়ী ।
২. আমরা সবই জানি, তারপরেও কিছুই জানি না ।
৩. কখনই ভিত্তিবিহীন আশা করা উচিত নয় ।
Taybi Prince Iqbal said “taqdeer ke qazi ka yeh fatwa hai azal se hai jurm-e-zaifi ki saza, marg-e-mafajat”. How can we assert our sovereignty when we depend on foreign aid? Do you know that Punjab government is the only provincial government that has said no to foreign aid in the entire history of Pakistan?
Manobilli Mano Novembr ki akhri Sham,
Mery apno k naam,
Ulfat bhara Salam,
Mery Doston k naam,
Kuch ko Mei ne Manaya,
Kuch ne Mujy Manaya,
Hum ne diye Ilzam,
Ek Dusray k naam,
Kuch Waaday kye Puray,
Kuch reh gaye Adhuray,
Nibhayen gy hr Rishta,
Ehd-e-Wafa k naam,
Chalti rahy Ye Dosti,
Ta Dum-e-Ikhtitam,
Mera hay Ye Pegham,
Meray Doston k naam,
Likha hay Ye Kalam,
Mein ne Doston k naam,
"November ki akhri Shaam,
Mery Doston k naam
Vlad Lupu Sti care e culmea potentei?
Sa f.. o statuie pâna zice auuu... !
Si care e culmea prostiei în acest caz ?
Sa crezi ca era virgina!!!
Si culmea ghinionului?
Sa constati ca ai luat SIDA
Si culmea culmilor?
Sa dai în judecata pe cei care ti-au vândut prezervativul
Andiswa Hoshe Jesus...Je-e-s-u-us,ngizwa amandla,ey Nkosi ungcwele nakwezinsuku zokugcina...oh thank you Jesus
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