Keh do Ghame Husain Mananey walon ko
Momin Kabhi Shohadaa ka Maatam nahi kartey
Hai Muhabat Apni Jaan se zyada AaleRasool se
Yoon SareAam Hum Un ka Tamasha nahi kartey
Roen wo jo munkir
Danish Mano Keh do Gham-e- Husain Mananey walon ko,
Momin Kabhi Shohadaa ka Maatam nahi kartey
Hai Muhabat Apni Jaan se zyada Aal-e-Rasool se
Yoon Sar-e-Aam Hum Un ka Tamasha nahi kartey
Roen wo jo munkir hain shahadat-e-HUSSAIN k,
Hum zinda-o-javed ka maatam nahi kartey...!!!
Paullo Rosa Momento muito triste e dor intensa no coração....
Nafees Ahmad E motional tach 2
("")\\ ("")
) ( \\ ) (
("") \("").....SA HIL.
Thiago Oliveira Duarte Blatz Esse povo não tem vergonha na cara , defendem os pichadores bandidos e vagabundos , e ainda pega o dinheiro q era pra alimentar as crianças e viajam pra Europa (ÁUSTRIA) VOCÊS ACHAM JUSTO ? ELES AINDA SE DIZEM ONG !
Kenny Jaeger I have set up so many blogs and social media sites and news feeds that I feel like a run away garden hose sending water under pressure anywhere chaos and order allows. I have found the sites which do not censor my words, and it is those which I spend most time on. I don't send much FB or E-mail as my opinions sometimes disturb my valued friendships and family relationships. I have learned to piss strangers off via and yahoo and others, so I don't have the same drive to piss my friends and family that we do not communicate any longer as a result of my political and religious opinions becoming impossible to refrain. I relly do love everyone in the world when my head is screwed on right, yet perceived to be closed minds, I have little patience for now-a-days. I'm sure one day I will wake up and be able to have a conversation about sports teams and snow fall and the good old days, but for a little while I am going to turn what many will call radical. To me, however, radical can only happen where violence and dysfunction happen, and I have become very good at avoiding these negative aspects of human again, primarily because no one talks to me. LOL and always...kennyjaeger
Filipe Portes aconteceu recentemente a 1ª condenação por preconceito religioso no brasil... e foi contra o datena... pbode isssooo comandaaante abilllton...
Vincent Muchapondwa A little competition raises the level of efficiency.-hweva competition cn b damaging,whlst others are at the zenith of their booms and prospering,others wil b at e deepest of the depression and downfall and languishing in a tym when others rise and become more famous,others crumble fall hard and are forced to exit...
Rusel Amir Maa jano tumi e amak sobcheye boro dukko ta diye gele,tumi jokhon chale gele,ami bujteo parini je tumi khakhono firbena, ami vabtey parini tumi khakhono firbena,
ami tumak chara onek oshohay maa,
tumi chale jaower por ekto o ador paini maa,
ami ekhono onek obuj,
maa tumi amar jonno ekto dua kore dha o maa, ami jeno valo thaki maa,
tumar moto keu bojena......
Kono kichue milena........
Victoria Ramos Aleluia acaboooou as provas e agora recuperação eeeeee :@
Guilherme Tichauer Zorba "Difícil é não pensar e não lembrar de ti...
fico pensando...
se já superou tudo que vivemos ou se ainda tem os mesmos sentimentos?
mudei, cresci, to em outra, mas não deixo de pensar em vc...
todos os dias"
Watch Out The Video of Jojo's "Maah-e-ru". One of the best albums Tips has ever released.
Vanrochris Vieira Minha lingua coça e meu dedo tb (quando tô teclando) pra me meter em embates discursivos.
Masudul Haq shudhu profile picture change korle e desh premik howa jay na......
Gabrielle Sobrinho Levante-se do chão, vista-se com um sorriso e cante a melodia que te desliga. Não chore por quem não merece suas lágrimas, apenas viva sua vida sem olhar para trás, caminhando na direção da felicidade.
Jhony Alcamin Sentimentos, palavras, amores, tristezas, choros, risadas e responsabilidade. Depois dizem que não sou forte.
Pooja Sakhla Ehsas-e-KARBALA Tujhe Bhi Ho Jaye Ga Ayk Din ..
Tanha Kisi AZIZ Ki Mayyat Utha K Dekh ..
Keneilwe Monei Bantsijang Ntja ya tsala yame e ne etimetse, pelo ya gagwe ele bothloko gore. Jaanong o bonwe. O kwadile month fb gore o lebogela dithapelo tsa rona gore ntja e bonwe ebile e santse e tshela. Basweu tota ba metlholo. Loseka lwa kwala sekgowa tlhe.
Complete Nutrition Today is the final day for our November Special...Buy a bottle of ASSAULT at regular price and get any brand of protein (2lb size only) absolutely F-R-E-E!
Anna Katrulina Эй, моряк! ты слишком долго плавал! яяя, тебя! успела позабыть...Мнеее теперь! другой по нраву дьявол! Е-го Хо-ЧУ Любииииить!мур :)
Sargento Carlos Na moral: Lombardo não é deste planeta!
Asir Intiser Ayon guyz.. ajk 12tar pr theke strt hobe bijoyer mash.. cholo shobai amdr profile pic e bd er flag pic lagie rspct kri. puro fb lal-shobuje vore jabe.. kto shundor lagbe!!
Oath Mthupha This is e story of a 44yr old sitting n a pub."2 wks ago was ma 44th & i wasn't feeling 2 gud dat morning.I went into breakfast knowing ma wife wuld b pleasant n say "hppy bday honey"n probably hev a present 4 m.As t turned out she didn't even say gud morng let alone any hapy bday.I thot wel dats wives 4 u e children wl remember ,wel i guess twas e same story wen i left 4 e office i was feeling pretty low n despondent.As i walked nto e ofc my secretary said"gud moning boss hapy bday"& i felt a little better that someone had remembered.i worked until noon then she came n said u knoe its such a beatiful day outside n tis yo bday let's go 4 lunch jus u n me n i said wel that's e greatest thng i've heard all day let's go.w went 4 lunch bt not where w normaly go bt rather 2 a private little place .w had 2 martinis n enjoyed lunch tremendously.on e way back 2 e ofc she said"u knoe tis such a beatiful day n tis yo bday w don't need 2 go back 2 e ofc do we?i said no i guess ,no.she said let's go 2 ma apartment.after arriving she said boss if u don't mind i'll go 2 ma bedroom."sure!" i excitedly replied.she went n in about 6mins she came out carrying a huge bday cake followed by my wife,kids & dozens of friends singing happy bday & i just set there on e couch naked"
એક છોકરી સાસરે વઈ ગઈ,
કાલ ની દીકરી આજ વહુ થઇ ગઈ.,
ગઈ કાલે જલસા કરતી છોકરી
હવે સાસરીયા ની સેવા કરતી થઇ ગઈ.,
કાલની ડ્રેસ ને જીન્સ પેહરતી છોકરી
આજ સાડી પેહરતી થઇ ગઈ.,
પિયર માં વેહતી ચંચલ નારી
સાસરી માં ધીર-ઘમ્ભીર થઇ ગઈ.,
રોજ જલસા થી પૈસા વાપરતી છોકરી
આજે શાક-ભાજી ના ભાવ કરાવતી થઇ ગઈ.,
કાલ સુધી Scooty ફૂલ સ્પીડ એ ચલાવતી છોકરી
આજ bike માં પાછળ બેસતી થઇ ગઈ..!
ગઈ કાલ સુધી ૩ વખત બિન્દાસ જમતી છોકરી
આજે ૩ વખત જમવાનું બનાવતી થઈ ગઈ.,
હમેશા પોતાનું ધાર્યું કરતી છોકરી
આજે પતિને પૂછી ને કરતી થઇ ગઈ.,
મમ્મી પાસે કામ કરાવતી છોકરી
આજે સાસુ નું કામ કરતી થઇ ગઈ., <3
બેન-ભાઈ સાથે લડતી છોકરી
નણંદ નું માન કરતી થઇ ગઈ.! <3
ભાભી સાથે મજાક કરતી છોકરી
જેઠાની નું આદર કરતી થઇ ગઈ,
પિતા ની અંખ નું પાણી
આજ સસરા ના ગ્લાસ નું પાણી થઇ ગઈ..!
ને તો પણ લોકો કહે છે કે
-વાહ અમારી દીકરી તો સાસર્યામાં લહેર કરતી થઇ ગઈ..! <3<3<3
પોસ્ટ પસંદ આવેતો લાઇક કરી બીજા મિત્રો સાથે પણ Share કરજો.(Click Share)
પારસ પટેલ [ @[219342404769023:274:» Er.Paras Patel] ]
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