Tavanchhay Blue when i know u,i really happy nad get smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............. but Now i lost
u hoey........... i really so Hurtttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...........................
Sherika True Bates Main my head so FuKed up, I hate the way life is but u live n u learn u move on, maKe life worth living all the people I hurt n the long run im never sorry but I apologize I hope u learn something Cuz I did... so as I lay my head down tonight pray that all is freaKing well with all of u..... baby Mommas single mothers Mamma I love u but teaCh ur kids that Christ mas is more thin gifts R.I.P for all those falling Angeles that are not here with us, Love thy family u may not C them tomorrow, N start loving urself more thin anything young guys slow down, young lady's respeCt urself , Main I Know they say 2012 is just another year ......waKe up Cuz its not, but at the dad of the day I just hope I waKe up a better person, N His Name I pray... u Know his Name!
Prince Ndiweni 1 dude frm KZN wrks in jrbg, usualy wen hs hvn sex wth hs huny th chk gvs it 2 hm ebeke phezulu,so ths dude dcids 2 gt a hooker at (deplomt club) n th hooker gvs th dude a dogistyl n th dude gs crazi, n aftr a week th dude gse bk 2 KZN wen h gts home hs mad over th wife n hs lyke i knw u got 2 cookie jars n who th *fuck* hv u bin givin th 1 at the bck 2?,coz u only gve m th 1 on top...poor girl sh got a bitn of hr lyfe...majita lets practs all angles wth our hunies
Zen Akita Ok got house ready for my boy. Can't wait to see him. I set his Thomas train up around our tree and did some good decor. Thanks to my sweet red. Thx for shopping with me. I'm missing u bad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmNbObepq14&feature=youtube_gdata_player
IRidechevyallday Smalls Oh how I loved the rain , this that shit u give somebody the bizzness in ! Ya dig #longnstrong Ayye
Kiesha Surges A couple days ago:
Mom: what do u guys want for chrismas...(long pause)
Me:(takes a breath to shout) laptop wit cam
Me:(bout to cry) idk
Onaleye Olushola If u dont tak a risk,lif may b so borin
Syaidatul Rawaida Muhammad Hafizuddin Ismail besday wife u nk dkat da ni..any planning?hahahah...
Lauren O Brien Like for :
Rate (looks) :
Meet r pass :
Are we close :
Would I get wit u :
Name in phone :
Rossie Stones All i want 4 christmas is u baby
Oloyede Oluseyi Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether u re a lion or a gazelle- when the Sun comes up, u'd better be running.
Ravi Kiran Husband was seriously ill.
Doc to wife :-
Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in gud mood,
don’t discuss ur problems,
no tv serial, dont demand new clothes & gold jewels,
Do this for 1 yr & he will be ok. On the way home.. Husband :- wat did the doc say ?
Wife :- .No chance for u to survive
Ogunsola Ruth Oluwatosin The LORD is so good to me,HE's a living GOD dats why am a living soul dis morning........ Shout Halleluya if u are alive dis morning
Happy Raphael Mkali It is the most beautiful time of the year and i don wanna mic u under the mistletoe!Thats a Merry Merry Christmas.........Happy Christmas Holidays friends n family,cheeeeeers
Jon Lee How dare u tell me itz tuffer for u, like ion hear bout da niggaz u fuckn wit too, n who ever im wit aint gt nothing on u, dey jst sumthing to do wen ders nothing to do....
Aditya Ram Amazing! u wont believe! I dare you can watch this .
click here to see dad post and emma sucide letter , you will really be shocked.. :P
Manoj Chandra Gupta Hello! u wont believe! I dare you can watch this .
Lol Checkout this video its very embracing moments for her
Igbenoba Kelvin Never play wiv sin if u want 2 c signs... Chilly guy.
Sangetha Paramasivam eVeRTHiNg iS CHiLLeD NoW..
aLL iS GoNNa bE aLRigHT..
i'L bE TheRe, i'L bE TheRe FoR "U"..
FROZEN IN <3 LOVE <3 ...
LeTS WaRM & CloSe aRouND NoW..
Stephanie Melgar Why did u have to corrupt him.....smfh
Adam Horladayor Isiaq As gold is special among metals, diamond among stones, eagle among birds, so as 4rm dis morning u will different among all ur enemies, and it shall be well u. (Amen). Gud morning to u all frnds how ws ur nyt, hope it was fine thank God and have a nice day ahead.
Dekari Finger err time i look up niggas gotta ah wad full of money but ah look stupid if ah nigga rob ya silly ass cuz u den flashed ya paycheck fa ah pic...invest in ah bank account silly
p.o.p (plastic ova paper)
Edye Dunn Does anyone have luxxy u bolts I wanna drop the grinner
Rubel Ahmed check this out ... cool u wont believe! I dare you can watch this vide0 .
Lol Checkout this video its very embracing moments for her
Roha Hashmi Hey u wont believe! I dare you can watch this .
Lol Checkout this video its very embracing moments for her
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