Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just woke up thinking bout a lot of shit I need to talk to my mommy Sitting back reflecting on the past almost seven years of my life everyday spent

Quashona Blackmon
Quashona Blackmon Just woke up thinking bout a lot of shit. I need to talk to my mommy
Izzy Yasin
Izzy Yasin Sitting back reflecting on the past almost seven years of my life everyday spent caring for my little man (Izzy) I can't help but think how do to his condition he never really spoke a word or rarely left the house but how his existence has impacted this family and many friends around me in such a profound and positive way either directly or indirectly things that we have done and will continue to do in his name has created jobs for some opportunities for others and hope and comfort for even more I say all this to say he has helped me to see the light and his light will shine on thru us all Izzy I miss you so much it hurts but know that I am on my job ...
Karen Gray-Glossop
Karen Gray-Glossop You know one of those things, a headache with pictures.
Barbara Crossland-Tripp
Thats a Fact!!!
Lizelle Herbst
Lizelle Herbst Some times I think having a man in life might not be such a bad idea
Maureen Nabatanzi
Maureen Nabatanzi to all the awesome people that made my birthday a legend!! Allan Katende,Mukyala Doc Naluyima,Omugave J'eph Ssemakula,Edith Mukantwari,May-Happy Lyton,Gloria Bahizi,Monsignor Noah Ssettuba,Sherina Sekabembe,Louis Pee-two Chap,ivan,Barbra Jao Laker,Cana,Jose for constant texts,Phill for the skype sessions and everyone for the wishes. yesterday was amazing!!
Theo Jonker
Theo Jonker Long weekend feelings....who wants to share the what a feeling..
Lorna Mangampo
Lorna Mangampo ''Move oN...its jst a chapter in d Past but dnt cLose d bOok..jst turn the page:-)
Angel Lopez
Angel Lopez Needs a job!!
George Konzani
George Konzani What a Marvelous man is Jesus!!! He walked on the waters...he raised the dead..he rose from the dead...ndani wa ma ula angapange zimenezi?? Ndani?? Tamutchuleni... Yesu!!! Yesu!!! Yesu!!! Yesu!!! Yesu !!
Ritesh Zalmi
Ritesh Zalmi CHANGING EXAM PATTERN Year 1995 : Answer all questions. Year 2000 : Answer any 5 question. Year 2005 : Select the correct answer (A, B or C). Year 2010 : Write either a or b. Year 2015 : Please only read the questions. Year 2020 : Thanks for Coming !!!
Brittney Dennis
Brittney Dennis I feel like I am a bitch to him. I need to treat him like a king cause in his eyez I am his queen
March Ramilo
March Ramilo For all those men who say. "why buy the cow whene you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig, just to get a little sausage,.......
Geoffrey Viljama
Geoffrey Viljama Did He Suck A Bid Cod, Hell No! a Fisherman
Shannon Cranford
Shannon Cranford To all my friends that play Castleville...Please send me a neighbor request..Even though i didnt want to play the game I started playin it no thanks to Tessa Janes lmao :P
Michael Ngam
Michael Ngam I'm tryna make a song about sweats lol I love 'em so much <3
Zenki R Bly
Zenki R Bly What you do to others will allways come back to you... Life is a comer.. It goes around comes back..!
Robin Van Ajak San
Robin Van Ajak San woke up n somehow have this urge to have a chincilla...oh my...oh my...
Dave Travis Boakye
Dave Travis Boakye You are called to love just like Jesus loved! Eph 5:1-2 “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” God tells us to “live a LIFE of love”. God has called us to do more than occasional acts of love. He has called us to daily live a life of love in the same way that Christ loved us. Receive His love in your heart and share it with everyone you meet today! Be blessed
這才是真正的童顏巨乳啊~ 嘻嘻!!
Hamish Angus
Hamish Angus fuck A flashdancers times square somebody try to show me something better than this
Hayley TheChased DeOliveira
Hayley TheChased DeOliveira Up and half ready for a long day
Mac Jan
HWANG JINYI "It is a cursed dance that led her teacher to death"
Grant Visagie
Grant Visagie Gangs of Ballet and Coals tonight! Can you get a better first night of holiday?! Woooooop!
Gangs of Ballet is a Durban band comprising of four incredibly talented musicians - three of which have undertaken studying Music at University level. Their music, which combines their fresh energy with their musically intriguing melodies and arrangements, has a hauntingly anthemic sound which appeals both to the musically-minded as well as to those merely seeking a fun musical experience. Their sound cannot be pinned down to one specific genre but rather experiments with an ecclectic mix of alternative, melodic, anthemic, electronic and dance.
Mohd Ali Redha
Mohd Ali Redha What a stupid manning crew is this?.Put it by month or put it by days? Fucking hell don't know how to work? I think u must go home and be a good house wife or maid fucker.

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