Jenny Casanova "the longer i live, the more i realized the impact of attitude on life. attitude, to me, is more important than facts. it is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than success, than what other people think or say or do. it is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. it will make or break a company... a church... a home... the remarkable things is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. we cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that the people will act in a certain way. we cannot change the inevitable. the only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. i am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how i react to it. and so it is with you...we are in changed of our attitudes."
Sherri McFerran "“The heart of Florence is crying today,” Florence Mayor Matteo Renzi said in a Twitter message, declaring the city would hold a day of mourning and would pay to repatriate the bodies to Senegal." - and hopefully they will help the victims' families too -
Florence was in mourning yesterday after an Italian far-right author shot dead two Senegalese men and wounded three others, before killing himself in a daylight shooting spree that prompted outpourings of grief.
Courtney Rebekka Van Damme I'm so so so tied been a big day... Glad when I get to jump into bed e
Chris Schleich Anybody NorCal-ites up for a swim from Alcatraz event in 2012?
Myriah MeandMytwo Myles i have a twin brother hys name is just obviously bored....
Arsalan Arsii Sometimes Allah closes all the doors and locks all the windows. During those times its nice to think that maybe there's a storm outside and Allah wants to save you!
Matt Riggle Off work heading home thin I'm in the wrong state Santa is going to get out the flying Harley this year... what a bummer Lil mat wont even have a white first Christmas. Poor kid.... or not lol
Mageta Magnitude Sujou geral a maioria dos meus amigos no facebook foram apanhados por este maput não sei em chamas que parte..hahahah, Maputo anima Pah, Gosto...
Adrian Scott Who wants a inbox
Ayum Kidie Too late for the other side caught in a chase 25 to life (2) yeah too late I can't keep chasing em im taking my life back caught in the chase 25 to life I don't she understands the sacrifices that I made maybe if this bitch had acted right I would've stayed but I've already wasted over half of my life I would've laid down and died for u I no longer cry for u no more pain bitch took me for granted took my heart and ran it straight into the planet into the dirt I can no longer stand it now my respect I demand it I'm take control of this relationship command it and im be the boss of you now god dammit and what I mean is that I will no longer let u control me so u better hear me out this much you own me I gave up my life for u totally devoted to u while I've stayed faithful all the way this is how I fucking get repaid look at how I dress fucking baggy sweats,go to work a mess always in a rush to get back to u I ain't heard you yet not even once say u appreciate me I deserve respect I've done my best to give u nothing less that perfectness and I know that if I end this I'll no longer have nothing left but u keep treating me like a staircase it's time to fucking step and I won't be coming back so don't hold your fucking breath u know what u've done no need to go in depth I told u you'd be sorry if I fucking left I'd laugh while u wept how's it feel now yeah funny ain't it u neglected me did me a favor although my spirit free u've said but a special place for u in my heart I have kept it's unfortunate but it's too late for the other side caught in a chase 25 to life (2) I feel like when I bend over backwards for u all u do is laugh cause that ain't good enough u expect me to fold myself in half til I snap don't think I'm loyal all I do is rap I can not moonlight on the side I have no life outside of that don't I give u enough of my life u don't think so do u jealous when I spend time with the girls why I'm married to u still man I don't know but tonight I'm serving you with papers I'm divorcing u go marry someone else and make em famous and take away there freedom like u did to me treat em like u don't need them and they ain't worthy of u feed em the same shit u made me eat im moving on forget u oh now I'm special? Oh I didn't feel special when I was with u all I ever felt was this helplessness imprisoned by a selfish bitch chew up and spit me out I fell for this do many times it's ridiculous and still I stick with this I'm sick of this but in my sickness and addiction you're as addictive as they get evil as they come vindictive as they make em my friends keep asking why I can't just walk away I'm addicted to the pain the stress the drama I'm drown in so I guess I'm a mess cursed and blessed but this time I'm ain't changing my mind I'm climbing out this abyss u screaming as I walk out that I'll be missed but when u spoke to people who meant the most to u you left me off ur list fuck u hip-hop I'm leaving u my life sentence is served bitch and it's just too late for the other side caught in chase 25 to life (2) too late..... caught in a chase 25 to life....
Chanel Johnson i hve a big w/end spendin tyme my baby.goin to mahilia jackson theater.for a xmas musicial.HE's pickin me up 2morrow after he get off from work
Puru Jain There is a God-shaped vacuum in every heart.
Santa Jenim I lost a piece of me & you, I think I left it in your arms, I forgot the reason I got scared but remember that I cared quite a lot...
Praveen Saraswat awsm line said by a boy to his crush
"my situation in frnt of ur beauty is like HALKU in th winter night"
Feras Sameer Abu Alhaija'a
ممكن تفوتو على الرابط وتعملو لايك
غنى فراس الهيجاوي
ملاحظة مهمة جدا : حتى يحسب التصويت يجب عليك وضع اعجاب على صفحة المسابقة وتنزيل التطبيق الخاص بها من صفحة الدخول للمسابقة وعندها سوف تتمكن من رؤية النتائج للمشتركين .... وأي تصويت لصورة بدون هذه الشروط لن يحتسب .... وشكرا
Jnr Ing Gilbert Anathe tecnology,dreamliner boeing 787 aircraft lands @ jkia.te planes lenth is 56.7 m slightly more tan half ftbal pitch-it can onli fly @ speed of 956 km/hr-its capable of flying long rutes-16hrs witout refuling ie taking a trip from londan 2 nrb n back,te wing is 60.1 m,more tan half height of kicc,nevatheless it can carry btw 210-250 psgs.te cost is 197 US dolars n capacity of 1628 lts of waste n 127,000 lts of fuel.
Trudy Devine feels a right knob in my wellies but it had snowed up our way this morning!!
Jessica Downey " Love by nature isn't picky. It doesn't just offer itself to the lovable, but it must be offered to the unlovable as well. If you love those who love you back, then what good is love to a world that is dying?
Seanice Kacungira Grace Makoko writes in the monitor that ugandans are 'faking it' and that's why we will never be truly wealthy- we focus on 'borrowed' and 'corruption' money
A good example is what we call the good life; you live in the city, buy a reconditioned second hand car from one of Kampala’s numerous vehicle bonded warehouses and tell all your friends, relatives and well-wishers that you bought a new car, you hold a house warming party to celebrate the move from a rented house in Kasubi to a rented apartment in Najjeera and you constantly frequent the new “happening” joints in town consuming junk food by the kilo, all the while kidding yourself that this is the real life – you have arrived. We are sadly mistaken and have lost the ability to move our foot from the accelerator, to the breaks of this fake existence and say enough.
To add insult to injury, this lifestyle is sustained or made possible for the most part by consumer debt. We borrow first from friends and family, then from the banks, then Micro Finance Institutions, then the local Savings and Credit Organizations (SACCOS) and finally from the loan sharks or money lenders. What happened to good old principles like you save first before spending?
Ever Antonio - I Have Been A Bam-Bam Boy <3 ;D
Nitin Athani Please read this message fully: In the next 1 year, Earth's Temperature will Increase by 4 degrees.!!
Can u imagine Stuck in a Traffic Jam in that kind of heat.??
The Himalayan Glaciers are Melting Rapidly.
Let's Lend our Hands to fight Global warming.
- Plant more Trees
- Dont waste Water
- Dont use or Burn Plastic
- And dont Delete this Msg without Forwarding it.. Instead of the Silly sms and forwards.
Save our Earth
Go Trees. .
Go Green. . =)
Ashley Hamre Today was a really good day.
I look forward to more of these.
Mandy Charles ...DAD is in Heaven for Christmas.If roses grow in heaven Lord,thn pick a bunch 4me.Place thm in my DADs arms and tell him they're 4rom me.Tell him tht i love & Miss him and when he turns to Smile,place a kiss upon his cheek and hold him 4 a while xxx till we meet again PA
Jason Garrett A pretty good depiction of the 2011 OU football season.
funny jack swagger sings boomer sooner but he have a realy bad voice
Renjith Surendran If you want to be a happier, less-stressed person, there is no better place to start than with becoming aware of “anticipatory thinking,” or an imagined future.
Essentially, this type of thinking involves imagining how much better your life will be when certain conditions are met – or how stressful, or difficult something is going to be at some point down the road.
Typical anticipatory thinking sounds something like this: “I can’t wait to get that promotion, and then my life will be great.” “Life will be so much simpler when I can afford an assistant.” “These next few years will be really tough, but after that I’ll be having a smooth ride.”
You get so carried away by your own thoughts that you remove yourself from the actual present moments of your life, thereby forgetting the act of living effectively and joyfully.
There are other, more short-term forms of this type of thinking as well: “The next few days are going to be unbearable,” “I am going to be tired tomorrow,” “I just know my speech is going to be a disaster.”
There are endless variations of this stressful tendency. The details are usually different, but the result is the same –stress! Do not let your thoughts get caught up in the negative expectations and imagined horrors of the future.
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