Libertas Pariete I sit alone and watch the clock and try to collect my thoughts, all I think about is you....How can I tell you?
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Richard Alonso I ain't happy, I' m feelin glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless, but not for long the future is comin' on
Jennifer Hansen Ok.....a little help Please. I dont know what Joshua pushed on my laptop BUT my screen/page is super on how to un-do this and make it regular 8-P
Luciana Houlihan Wonderful weather, great mood...I can't wait to celebrate Patricia's birthday, Coral Springs here I come, let the fun begin !!!
Anthony Vu All i want for Xmas is you.... n a Macb pro :D
Kevin Crutchfield Yesterday I think I really saw Jackie Bentley take a big step towards becoming a GREAT instructor... her best day so far.
Hazel Mariie i love my son A'meer Otho Blair so much hes my life , my everything ! I dont know Wat i would do with out him <3
Amy Redmond December is going to a great month. Things are already heading in that direction. I feel like I can breath a little eaiser again.
Dwight Stickler for some reason, facebook wont always accept a post from my pandora, so if you want to see what i listen to during the day, check this:
Sign up for Twitter to follow Dwight (@Dwight). To loosely quote the Bard, I tweet therefor I am

Joey Zaza Chavira A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle and I can't figure out how to get it started.
Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"
The blonde says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a tiger. "
Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle.
She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table.
He studies the pieces for a moment, then turns to her and says,
"First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger."
He held her hand softly, led her to a chair and said,
"Secondly, I'd advise you to relax. Let's have a cup of coffee, and then. ... "He sighed, "let's put all these Frosted Flakes back in the box."

Kalu Oji A correction to an earlier post:
Holiness is a requirement for every child of God who desires to see the LORD. My guess is that in today's Christianity and preaching of the gospel of Christ, holiness has become something that has been placed on the back burner. Brethren, whether we like it or not the word of God remains the word of God. It does not matter how much we try to ignore it, neither does it matter how much we try to focus on prosperity messages, what matters is what happens at the end of the day. The question remains: where is our final destination; heaven, hell or here on earth? The word of God says: “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone, and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the LORD” (Heb. 12:14, TNIV). How then can we see the LORD when we do not make any effort to live a holy life? Everything and every kind of life is now becoming an acceptable norm in our Churches today. The message of the gospel is all inclusive and not just about financial prosperity. Apostle John in 3 Jn. 1:2, KJV, says “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” My focus at the end of my sojourn here on earthis to see the LORD. What isn your own focus? Have a blessed day everyone in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Kate Horvath Sinan Ozbay "she's gunna regret that. i thought i destroyed that hahahhahahahhaha Marley Pulz. <3
Abdul Haq I believe love is primarily a choice and only sometimes a feeling. If you want to feel love, choose to love and be patient.
Read it.. You Will Say me "Thanks" For Sharing This Story :-)
A little Indian Boy wanted Rs50, so he prayed 4 weeks, but nothing happened.
Finally he decided 2 write a letter 2 God requesting Rs50.
When post office staff received a letter addressed 2 God, they forwarded it 2 the President.
... ... President was so amused, she instructed her secretary 2 send the little boy Rs 20.
As she thought Rs50 would be a lot of
money for him.
The little boy was delighted with Rs20 & decided 2 write a thank u note 2 God.
'Dear God, Thank u very much 4 sending d money. However,
I noticed dat u ev sent it through 'Rashtrapati Bhavan' (Through Government Building) & those corrupt donkeys ate my 30 rupees! :D'
Hope U Will Share It Too And thus Give Your Friends Some Good Laugh :p
Adam Lamb whatever you think or say about me
determines who YOU are
not who I am
Josh Kroese Why is it that I seem to forget so easily what really matters? School and all the other stresses in this life are so insignificant, nothing more than a mist. Please help me Lord to keep this in my mind and in my heart
Tyler Outen I have this feeling that I am not the first person to get lost in Clemson's labyrinth-Lehotsky Hall.
Barbie Spillers money money money money money that all i been thinking bout
Ntate Moruti Ntsulumbana I can't wait for next year, new department, new career and new car....*about 2 minutes ago via BlackBerry*
Brittany Hale dear boyfriend,
i hav probly the best boyfriend evr! he knows whn somethings wrong then he trys to fix it whn i look terrible he says i look beatiful whn i say thngs out of anger he forgives me but most of all he loves me no mattter wht i absuletly love Ryan Young! ♥ no doubt it!
Barb Hiler Just found out we have another trip to St. George this afternoon. I am so tired of all this running around. I think we should move to St. George since all our doctors, pharmacist and all that stuff is there! I am not a happy camper. I had other plans for my afternoon but you do what you have to do.
Tonya Davis pray i get this one i love it and have found it twice!!!! on two seperate searches
39 Colonial Hills Dr Lillington NC - property listing and details are available on
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